Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Fighting for Your Girl's Courage

Note: This is part of the Fight Like a Girl Series. Other posts are found under the series tag.

The United States has been a scary place these past two weeks. A bombing in Boston. An explosion in Texas. Floods in the Midwest. We can easily become discouraged and frightened, wondering if God's been napping while countless people are suffering.

If we face these struggles, think how much more difficult it is for our girls. The teenage years are fraught with hormones and enough uncertainty to keep a girl in a constant state of panic; and that's on the days when only her hair isn't quite right. Imagine how much more those feelings are magnified when simple things like running in a marathon or going to work are no longer safe.

On Monday, as part of the Because of Easter Series at  Desiring Virtue, I shared about an intense season of fear in my own life and 5 instructions from Jesus regarding fear. I encourage you to share these with your girl. Talk to her about living them out. Work diligently to model them in your own life. A courageous mother is a tremendous blessing to her daughter.

Walk through Ephesians 6:10-18 with her. Pray these verses with her and over her. Teach her to be a warrior for Christ.
Return to the cross and defeat the accuser of the brothers and sisters. Incessantly and in every venue bear witness to Christ, and defeat the accuser of the brothers and sisters. Retain courage and integrity in the face of opposition, because death cannot frighten those who follow the Prince of Life - and thereby defeat the accuser of the brothers and sisters.

We haven't finished our discussion on modesty, but recent events compelled me to address this topic.


  1. Oh, wise words! My girls are a few years away from teenagerhood but I can see how this will be great to keep in mind and begin to model it now! I never really thought about my girl's courage - thank you!!

  2. I can so relate, Melissa. I was a chronic worrier, but it turned into paralyzing fear during a tough trial. My girl would have followed in her mother's footsteps but for God's intervention. The truth does set us free!
